El viejo Almacén. BsAs

Surplus Approach

“Es necesario volver a la economía política de los Fisiócratas, Smith, Ricardo y Marx. Y uno debe proceder en dos direcciones: i) purgar la teoría de todas las dificultades e incongruencias que los economistas clásicos (y Marx) no fueron capaces de superar, y, ii) seguir y desarrollar la relevante y verdadera teoría económica como se vino desarrollando desde “Petty, Cantillón, los Fisiócratas, Smith, Ricardo, Marx”. Este natural y consistente flujo de ideas ha sido repentinamente interrumpido y enterrado debajo de todo, invadido, sumergido y arrasado con la fuerza de una ola marina de economía marginal. Debe ser rescatada."
Luigi Pasinetti

ISSN 1853-0419

Entrada destacada

Teorías del valor y la distribución una comparacion entre clásicos y neoclásicos

Fabio PETRI   Esta obra, traducida por UNM Editora, ha sido originalmente editada en Italia con el título: “Teorie del valore e del...

12 nov 2012

ESHET Argentina Conference: Core and Periphery Countries

ESHET Argentina Conference

Core and Periphery Countries:
Lessons From Economic History
and the History of Economic Thought


November 21-23 2012



Conference Venue

Bauen Hotel, Callao Av. 360, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Wednesday, 21 NOVEMBER

9:00 - 9:45      Registration

9:45 - 10:00    Salón Simón Bolivar
Opening Ceremony

Bonaldi, Pablo  (Univ. Gral. Sarmiento: Secretario de Investigación)
Marcuzzo, Cristina (U Roma Sapienza)
Wierzba, Guillermo (Director del Cefid-ar)

10:00-12:00    Parallel Sessions

Session A1     Salon Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor)

Import substitution and growth (Chair: Amico, Fabian)
Vaca González, Paola Andrea / Espinosa Acuña, Oscar Andrés (U Nacional Colombia)
From Import Substitution to Economic Opening. Evolution & Industrial Development in Colombia,1967-90 
Santarcángelo, Juan. (UNGS, Buenos Aires)
La sustitución de importaciones y el crecimiento económico argentino en la postconvertibilidad
Discussants: Amico, Fabian; Fiorito, Alejandro

Session A2     Salón Bungalow (2do piso / 2nd floor)
Raúl Prebisch (Chair:Vernengo, Matias)
Asiain, Andrés / López, Rodrigo (UBA, Buenos Aires, Cefid-Ar)
Capital Movements, Business Cycles and Financial Crises "Pre-Prebisch": Lessons From a Student (1921)
Brenta, Noemí (UBA, Buenos Aires)
El pensamiento de John H. Williams y su influencia sobre Raúl Prebisch: la teoría del balance de pagos
y el orden económico international de posguerra
Elizalde, Luciano H. / Crespo, Ricardo F. (U Austral, Buenos Aires)
Comunicación y función retórica en la teoría de Raúl Prebisch
            Discussants: Vernengo, Matías

Session A3     Salón Consular 1 (Planta Baja / Ground floor)

Development, Transition and Inequality (Chair: Trautwein, Hans-Michael)
Tridico, Pasquale (U Roma 3)
History and Lessons from Post-Communist Transition Economies since the fall of the Berlin Wall
Efimova, Elena G. (St. Petersburg State U)
Development of Northern Countries - West European "competitive periphery"
Croci Angelini, Elisabetta (U Macerata) / Farina, Francesco (U Siena)
The Size of Redistribution in OECD Countries: Does It Influence Wage Inequality
            Discussants: Trautwein, Hans-Michael

Session A4     Salón Consular 2 (1er piso / 1st floor)
Liberalism and Populism (Chair: Porta, Pier Luigi)
Muñiz, Marcelo (UBA, Buenos Aires)
The birth of political economy and its liberal sources
Bravo, Manuel (UNAM, México City)
Líberalismo federalista ¿radical? La guerra con los Estados Unidos
            Discussant: Porta, Pier; Gracida, Elisa; Lopez, Rodrigo


15:00-17:00    Parallel Sessions

Session B1      Salón Consular 1 (Planta Baja / Ground floor)
Gold Standard (Chair: Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina)
Feldman, Germán David (Ministry of Economy Argentina)
Distributive Conflict and Monetary Institutions in a Peripheral Economy: the Argentine Experience with the Exchange Office of 1867
Dinivitzer, Eugenia (U Macerata / U Paris 8)
The Gold-Exchange Standard in Practice: Banking Devices & International Monetary Relations, 1890 – 1914
López, Rodrigo (UBA, Buenos Aires, Cefid-Ar)
Criticas rioplatenses contemporáneas al Bullion, la Currency y el Gold Standard. El pensamento monetario de Manuel Belgrano, Mariano Fragueiro y Silvio Gesell
Discussants: Marcuzzo,Cristina; Sember, Florencia

Session B2      Salón Consular 2 (1er piso / 1st floor) -
Marxist thought in Latin America (Chair: Santarcangelo, Juan)
Camarinha Lopes, Tiago (UFR Ûberlandia)
Marx and Marini on relative and absolute surplus value
Rabinovich, Joel (UBA, Buenos Aires)
Economic theory and political proposals in the "imperialism´s classics"
Discussants: Santarcangelo, Juan; Dvoskin, Ariel, De Lucchi, Matías

Session B3      Salón Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor)
Modernization Conflicts (Chair: Musacchio, Andrés)
Espinosa Acuña, Oscar Andrés / Figueroa Pico, Yulman Alexander (U Nacional Colombia) / Bolaños Guerrero, Vanessa Katherine (U Nariño)
Waste Colonization in Colombia between 1850 and 1910. Socio-Political Conflict and
Economic Distribution Conflicts between Farmers and Landowner Entrepreneurs.
Ramírez Gómez, Mauricio Andrés (U EAFIT, Medellin)
Economic thinkers of the second half of the 19th century in Colombia
Gracida, Elsa M. (UNAM, Mexico City)
La leyenda negra del populismo económico
Discussants: Musacchio, Andrés;

Session B4      Salón Bungalow (2do piso / 2nd floor )
Inter-Continental Integration (Chair: Cibils, Alan)
Sarabia, Marianela (UIA, Buenos Aires)
About fake strategies to develop: free trade agreement EU -MERCOSUR. Assessing potential impacts of exports changes on employment and income distribution in Argentina
Madrid, Eduardo (UBA, Buenos Aires)
Argentina, Brasil, Estados Unidos y la integración regional en el siglo XX
Rapoport, Mario / Lazzari, Ricardo (UBA, Buenos Aires)*
The Weil Riddle: The Economic Origins of the Frankfurt School
Discussants: Cibils, Alan; Trautwein, Hans-Michael*

Coffee - Salón Cascada (terraza, 2do piso / terrace 2nd floor)-

18:00-20:00   Salón Cascada (2do piso / 2nd floor)-
First Round Table (Chair: Lopez, Rodrigo)
Economic thought and its links to economic history.
Economists and the problems of their times
Emmanuel Agis (Ministry of Economy and Public Finances, Argentina)
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (U Roma Sapienza)
Whatever happened to the Keynesian multiplier?
Mario Rapoport (UBA, Buenos Aires)
Weil´s Riddle: The forgotten thinker of Frankfurt School
Hans-Michael Trautwein (U Oldenburg)
Why (macro)economics needs to remember its history

Thursday, NOVEMBER, 22th

10:00 – 12:00 Parallel Sessions

Session C1     Salón Consular 1 (Planta Baja / Ground floor)
Economic Thinkers (Chair: Campagnolo, Gilles)
Imperia, Andrea / Maffeo, Vincenzo / Ravagnani, Fabio (U Roma Sapienza) *
Walras on capital and interest: an analysis through the lenses of his contemporaries
Edwards, José M. (U Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago del Chile)
From Adaptation-Levels to Hedonic Treadmills: Harry Helson's role in the emergence of Behavioral Economics and the Happiness literature (1929-79)
Discussants: Campagnolo, Gilles; Lazzarini, Andres*

Session C2     Salón Bungalow (2do piso / 2nd floor)
Keynesian views on development economics (Chair: Serrano, Franklin)
Berr, Eric (U Bordeaux 4)
Keynes and Kalecki: Back to the Future of Development Economics
Carabelli, Anna / Cedrini, Mario A. (U Piemonte Orientale)
The Relevance of Keynes's Teaching for Developing Countries: In Defence of Policy Space
Lampa, Roberto (U Salento) / Assous, Michael (U Paris 1)
The unexplored implications of Lange’s 1938 model: dynamics and the role of the marginal propensity to save
Discussants: Serrano, Franklin; Lampa, Roberto; Marcuzzo, Cristina

Session C3     -Salón Consular 2 (1er piso /1st floor) -
Dependency theory and structuralist approach (Chair: Asiain, Andres)
Treacy, Mariano (UNGS, Buenos Aires)
Teoría de la dependencia: ¿en el pasado o para el presente?
Scialabba, Eliana Daniela (UBA, Buenos Aires)
International trade and economic development in Latin America - A structuralist approach
Boianovsky, Mauro (U Brasília) / Solís, Ricardo (U Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City)
The origins and development of the structuralist approach to the balance of payments (1944-64)
Discussants: Asiain, Andrés; Lopez, Rodrigo

Session C4     Salón Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor)
International Trade (Chair: Vernengo, Matías)
Musacchio, Andrés (UBA, Buenos Aires)
Relaciones internacionales asimétricas, división del trabajo y poder: las tres vertientes de la teoría de la regulación
Peinado, Guillermo (U Nacional, Rosario)
Ecologically Unequal Exchange: a Theoretical Approach
Sztulwark, Sebastián / Girard, Melisa (UNGS, Buenos Aires)
New modalities of valorization in the global service sector
Discussants: Sarabia, Marianela


13:00-15:00    Parallel Sessions

Session D1     Salón Bungalow (2do piso / 2nd floor)
Classical Political Economy (Chair: Lazzarini, Andres)
Chaparro, Germán Raúl (U Central, Bogotá)
Adam Smith's concept of "effectual demand"
Furuya, Hiroyuki (Tokushima Bunri U)**
Working the Peripheral into the Picture: The Case of Thomas Hepburn in Eighteenth-Century Orkney
Caligaris, Gaston / Perez Trento, Nicolás (UBA, Buenos Aires)
For a critical history of the theory: the differential rent II in retrospect
Discussants: De lucchi, Matias**, Dvoskin, Ariel; Lazzarini, Andrés

Session D2     Salón Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor) -
Latin American Structuralism (Chair: Amico, Fabián)
Crespo, Eduardo (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro) / Lazzarini, Andrés (UNSAM, Buenos Aires)
A reinterpretation of the ‘unbalanced productive structures’
Fiorito, Alejandro (UNLU, UBA, Buenos Aires)
Marcelo Diamand and Oscar Braun in Argentina`s structural debate: towards the ending of “Economic Pendulum”
Guaita, Nahuel / Guaita, Silvio (UBA, Buenos Aires)
There was import substitution in Argentina, in the last decade?
Discussants: Amico, Fabian

Session D3     Salón Consular 1 (Planta Baja / Ground floor) -
Development Strategies (Chair: Summa, Ricardo)
Forcinito, María Karina (UNGS, Buenos Aires)*
La estrategia de industrialización del desarrollismo en la Argentina y el debate en torno a la misma en los años setenta: aportes a recuperar en la actual coyuntura económica
Olivera, Margarita (UNSAM, Buenos Aires)
The role of international aid in economic theory: Some thoughts on the consequences of the abandonment of development theories
Khanal, Kalpana (U Missouri, Kansas City)
Exchange Rate Policy in Development Theories: A Historical Perspective
Discussants: Summa, Ricardo, Grasso, Genaro*

Café / Coffee - Salón Cascada (terraza, 2do piso /terrace 2nd floor)-

15:30-17:30    Parallel Sessions

Session E1      Salón Bungalow (2do piso / 2nd floor)
Central Banks in Latin America (Chair: Maes, Ivo)
Cáceres, Luis / Moraes, María Inés / Vallarino, Hugo (U República, Montevideo)
Uruguay's recent economic research: a study of the Annual Conference of Economics from the Central Bank (1986-2011)
Pérez Caldentey, Esteban (ECLAD/CEPAL) / Vernengo, Matías (U Utah)
Heterodox Central Bankers: Eccles, Prebisch and Financial Reform in the 1930s
Sember, Florencia (UBA, Buenos Aires)
The Bank of England and the origins of the Central Bank of Argentina: 1929-1935
Discussants: Maes, Ivo; Guaita, Nahuel

Session E2                  Salón Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor)
Latin America: Structuralist thought and Development Economics
(Chair: Boianovsky, Mauro)
Coutinho, Mauricio (U Campinas)
The Accelerator in Furtado's model: a path to stagnation
Sunna, Claudia (U Salento)
Albert O. Hirschman on Latin America: theory and policy of economic development
Amico, Fabián (Cefid-Ar, Buenos Aires) **
Exchange rate and growth in structuralist thought: what's new and why?
Discussants: Boianovsky, Mauro; Fiorito, Alejandro**

Session E3      Salón Consular 1 (Planta Baja / Ground floor)
Economy and Philosophy – Across Cultures (Chair: D’Alessandro, Mercedes)
Campagnolo, Gilles (Aix-Marseille U) / Crespo, Ricardo (U Mendoza)
On the relation between Menger and Aristotle - a French-Argentine dialogue
Sánchez Hormigo, Alfonso (U Zaragoza)
Pierre Leroux y el pensamiento filosófico y económico en la América del Sur
Discussants: D’Alessandro, Mercedes

17:30 – 20:00             Optional Sightseeing Tour

20:15                          Conference Dinner

Friday, NOVEMBER, 23th

10:00 -12:00 Parallel Sessions

Session F1      Salón Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor)
Economic Crises in Latin America and Orthodox Economic Theory
(Chair: Brenta, Noemi)
Maes, Ivo / Clement, Piet (National Bank of Belgium)
The Latin American debt crisis: at the origins of the BIS macro-prudential approach to financial stability
Cardoso, Marcus (BNDES, Brasília)
The financial crisis of 2007 and the reform of the monetary policy in the U.S.: a reaffirmation of the Exogenous Rate of Interest Approach
Caravaca, Jimena (UBA, Buenos Aires)
Local crisis, foreign theories. Argentine's liberalism, 1870-1890
Discussants: Brenta, Noemi; Rapoport, Mario

Session F2      Salón Bungalow (2do piso / 2nd floor)
Center-Periphery Relations (Chair: Gualerzi, Davide)
Di Filippo, Armando (CEPAL, U Chile, Santiago del Chile)
Centre-periphery outlook: yesterday, today, ¿and tomorrow?
Trautwein, Hans-Michael (U Oldenburg)
Transnational Governance of Centre-Periphery Relations: Blind Spots and Historical Perspectives in Economic Thinking
Matesanz Gomez, David (U Oviedo) / Ortega, Guillermo (U Oviedo) / Torgler, Benno (Queensland U of Technology)
Discussants: Gualerzi, Davide; Lopez, Rodrigo

Session F3      Salón Consular 1 (Planta Baja / Ground floor) -
Critical Issues in Macroeconomics (Chair: Crespo, Eduardo)
Dvoskin, Ariel (U Siena)
The Unpleasant Dilemma of Contemporary General Equilibrium Theory
Summa, Ricardo (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro) / Aidar, Gabriel (BNDES, Brasília)
The long-run vertical Phillips Curve, distributive conflict and demand-pull inflation: evidences for the American economy
Discussants: Crespo, Eduardo; Ravagnani, Fabio


15:00-17:00 Parallel Sessions

Session G1     Salón Consular 1 (Planta Baja / Ground floor) -
Liberalism and Institutional Development (Chair: Cardoso, Marcus)
Porta, Pier Luigi (U Milano Bicocca)
Free trade and protectionism in primary export economies
Romero, Verónica (U Buenos Aires)
The sovereignty of the Nation-state from the perspective of political economy
Galvão de Almeida, Rafael (UF São Carlos) / García Fernández, Ramón (UFABC, São Paulo)
Hayek versus Polanyi: Spontaneity and Design in Capitalism
Discussants: Cardoso, Marcus

Session G2     Salón Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor) -
Neoliberal Strategies and the Rethinking of Development Economics
(Chair, Olivera, Margarita)
Dvoskin, Nicolás (UBA Buenos Aires)
State, society and social rights in the developmentalist thought: between welfare, technocracy and the neoliberal art of government.
Matos de Oliveira, Ana Luíza (U Campinas)*
The flexibilization discourse in the labor market: a liberalizing strategy
Gualerzi, Davide (U Padova) / Cibils, Alan (UNGS, Buenos Aires)
Rethinking development economics
Discussants: Olivera, Margarita; Bertholet, Nicolás*

Session G3     Salón Consular 3 (1er piso / 1st floor) -
Methodological Perspectives on Development Economics (Chair: Aronskind, Ricardo)
Bracarense, Natália (SUNY Potsdam, USA)
Economic Development in Latin America and the Methodenstreit: Lessons from History of Thought
Blampied, Nicolás / Carballa Smichowski, Bruno / Córdoba, Leonardo Ignacio (UBA,
Buenos Aires)
Theories of inflation: the Latin American structuralist approach and its critical review from the epistemology of economics
D'Alessandro, Mercedes / Harracá, Martin / Kodric, Alexander (UBA, Buenos Aires)
Defying the boundaries of our knowledge: The reaches of LatinAmerican economic theory
Discussants: Crespo, Eduardo; Aronskind, Ricardo

Café / Coffee - Salón Cascada (terraza, 2do piso / terrace 2nd floor)-

18:00-20:00 -Salón Cascada (2do piso / 2nd floor)-
Second Round Table (Chair: Fiorito, Alejandro)
Theoretical frameworks for analyzing the global economy
and the current situation in Latin America
Eduardo Crespo (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro)
Roberto Frenkel (U Buenos Aires)
Economic Development and the International Financial System
Franklin Serrano (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro)
Matías Vernengo (U. Utah)

End of Conference

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